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The Red Hook: War Cry
The Red Hook's dead girlfriend is resurrected into WAR CRY, a human of mass destruction hosted by a teenage boy. When a demigod from their past comes to haunt them to death they must resolve their lost love.
780,418 28,811 StarScore 7.13 RATE
Season 4 Announcement
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The Red Hook's dead girlfriend is resurrected into WAR CRY, a human of mass destruction hosted by a teenage boy. When a demigod from their past comes to haunt them to death they must resolve their lost love.
Emmy winner and Eisner nominee Dean Haspiel has illustrated for HBO's Bored To Death and helped pioneer webcomix via ACT-I-VATE and TRIP CITY. Dino has worked on titles including Spider-man, Deadpool, Batman, The Walking Dead, and semi-autobio projects with Harvey Pekar, Jonathan Ames, and Stan Lee.