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11 of Me
To Gibeom’s surprise, the mechanical calculator he bought working at a junkyard turns out to be a time machine! With the time machine, he sets out to find and bring together his past selves. Currently, all 11 versions of Gibeom are living together peacefully, but unexpected problems materialize as Gibeom(s) interacts with people outside of his circle...
1.7M 105,113 StarScore 8.78 RATE
Ep. 6 - Three Organisms
Ep. 5 - Want to Do Both?
Ep. 4 - I Have to Try it
Ep. 3 - Why Me...?
Ep. 2 - It's a Time Machine?!
Ep. 1 - He's Bananas
Ep. 0 - Prologue
To Gibeom’s surprise, the mechanical calculator he bought working at a junkyard turns out to be a time machine! With the time machine, he sets out to find and bring together his past selves. Currently, all 11 versions of Gibeom are living together peacefully, but unexpected problems materialize as Gibeom(s) interacts with people outside of his circle...
Nothing makes me happier than good weather, listening to awesome music, and reading something fun while lying down. I hope you can also find happiness by reading this series while lying down.♡
I draw comics with two parrots by my side. I love movies, art, and stories. I’ll do my best to continue producing good work, so I hope to see you often!