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Jackie Rose
Action, adventure, air pirates; Set in an alternate 1940s, Jackie Rose is a rip-roaring adventure story filled with excitement and fun, that still manages to tug at the heart strings.
4M 60,399 StarScore 9.60 RATE
(Season 2) Ep. 19 (Final)
(Season 2) Ep. 18
[Season 2] Ep. 17
[Season 2] Ep. 16
[Season 2] Ep. 15
[Season 2] Ep. 14
[Season 2] Ep. 13
[Season 2] Ep. 12
[Season 2] Ep. 11
[Season 2] Ep. 10
[Season 2] Ep. 9
[Season 2] Ep. 8
[Season 2] Ep. 7
[Season 2] Ep. 6
[Season 2] Ep. 5
Intermission Part 3
Intermission Part 2
Intermission Part 1
[Season 2] Ep. 4
[Season 2] Ep. 3
[Season 2] Ep. 2
[Season 2] Ep. 1
Ep. 35 (End Season One)
Ep. 34
Ep. 33
Ep. 32
Ep. 31
Ep. 30
Ep. 29
A Message from the Creator
Ep. 28
Ep. 27
Ep. 26
Ep. 25
Ep. 24
Ep. 23
Ep. 22
Ep. 21
Ep. 20
Ep. 19
Ep. 18
Ep. 17
Ep. 16
Ep. 15
Ep. 14
Ep. 13
Ep. 12
Ep. 11
EP. 10
Ep. 9
Ep. 8
Ep. 7
Ep. 6
Ep. 5
Ep. 4
Ep. 3
Ep. 2
Ep. 1
Action, adventure, air pirates; Set in an alternate 1940s, Jackie Rose is a rip-roaring adventure story filled with excitement and fun, that still manages to tug at the heart strings.
Josh Ulrich has been creating comics and graphic novels since 2005. His Webtoon “Newman” is actually a descendant of the first comics he ever created. When he’s not making comics, he can be found purchasing more Legos, playing Legend of Zelda, or wishing he was playing more Dungeons and Dragons.