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After being declared clinically dead, traveling salesman Ed Zamsa tries to go on with his life regardless of his strange condition. As if things weren't hard enough without being dead.
29.4M 140,838 StarScore 9.69 RATE
Ep. 120 - Epilogue
Ep. 119 - The End
Ep. 118 - The Choice
Ep. 117 - The Deal
Ep. 116 - Way Out
Ep. 115 - Last Straw
Ep. 114 - Bad Ed
Ep. 113 - Score
Ep. 112 - Reveal
Ep. 111 - Question
Ep. 110 - Lucy
Ep. 109 - Warning
Ep. 108 - Gratitude
Ep. 107 - Grump
Ep. 106 - Theory
Ep. 105 - Chuck
Ep. 104 - Evildoer
Ep. 103 - The Tale
Ep. 102 - A Book
Ep. 101 - Catch Up
Ep. 100 - Decay
Ep. 99 - Meanwhile 3
Ep. 98 - Exposure
Ep. 97 - Meanwhile 2
Ep. 96 - Normal
Ep. 95 - Meanwhile
Ep. 94 - Dead Ed
Ep. 93 - Charon
Ep. 92 - The Ritual
Ep. 91 - Heartless
Ep. 90 - Ageing
Ep. 89 - The Cat
Ep. 88 - New Plan
Ep. 87 - Prayers
Ep. 86 - Complaint
Ep. 85 - The List
Ep. 84 - Arguing
Ep. 83 - True Angel
Ep. 82 - Guidance
Ep. 81 - First Time
Ep. 80 - Terminal
Ep. 79 - Dr. Death
Ep. 78 - The Task
Ep. 77 - Pressure
Ep. 76 - Vessel
Ep. 75 - Ghost Line
Ep. 74 - Regrets
Ep. 73 - The Angel
Ep. 72 - Reflection
Ep. 71 - Introduction
Ep. 70 - Stakeout
Ep. 69 - Aftermath
Ep. 68 - Gone Again
Ep. 67 - Drink Up
Ep. 66 - Bite Me
Ep. 65 - Lively Crew
Ep. 64 - Night Out
Ep. 63 - Powerless
Ep. 62 - New Blood
Ep. 61 - Clarification
Ep. 60 - True Form
Ep. 59 - Indigestion
Ep. 58 - Apology
Ep. 57 - Witcheroo
Ep. 56 - Be-Witched
Ep. 55 - Square One
Ep. 54 - Ride
Ep. 53 - Moving Out
Ep. 52 - On Leave
Ep. 51 - Break Out
Ep. 50 - Off the Grid
Ep. 49 - Prepping
Ep. 48 - Heads Up
Ep. 47 - Objection
Ep. 46 - Goose
Ep. 45 - Parts
Ep. 44 - Ed Class
Ep. 43 - Evaluation
Ep. 42 - The Board (Slightly Mature)
Ep. 41- Moral
Ep. 40 - Playing Dumb
Ep. 39 - Friendly
Ep. 38 - Training
Ep. 37 - Cellmate
Ep. 36 - Cell
Ep. 35 - Burn
Ep. 34 - Dealings
Ep. 33 - Abnormal
Ep. 32 - Natural Freak
Ep. 31 - Loose Ends
Ep. 30 - Mother's Day
Ep. 29 - Tampering
Ep. 28 - Patient Zero
Ep. 27 - Confidential
Ep. 26 - Easy Fix
Ep. 25 - At Peace
Ep. 24 - Reconverted
Ep. 23 - Autopsy
Ep. 22 - BLackmail
Ep. 21 - Discharged
Ep. 20 - Heroism
Ep. 19 - Conjectures
Ep. 18 - Spiritualism
Ep. 17 - Psychic
Ep. 16 - Misreading (Slightly Mature)
Ep. 15 - Payback
Ep. 14 - Ghouls
Ep. 13 - Invitation
Ep. 12 - Vamps
Ep. 11 - Bouncer
Ep. 10 - Von Bellsing
Ep. 9 - Advertising (Slightly Mature)
Ep. 8 - New Outlook
Ep. 7 - Killing Time
Ep. 6 - 2nd Opinion
Ep. 5 - Note
Ep. 4 - Rigormortis (Slightly Mature)
Ep. 3 - Tips
Ep. 2 - Condition
Ep .1 - Check up
After being declared clinically dead, traveling salesman Ed Zamsa tries to go on with his life regardless of his strange condition. As if things weren't hard enough without being dead.
Boredman is an undead French cartoonist, animated by insatiable boredom. Legend has it he is a cartoon himself, born on the wrong side of the page; common sense has it that he just watches too much TV. He lives in Belgium with his wife and their three babies, only one of which is human.