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Seeing life through someone else’s eyes seems appealing, but less so when it’s your own eye that was gouged out by a murderous serial killer. Fortunately for Dongsu Ha, he’s a Connect – an immortal being with supernatural healing ability. Thanks to this strange power, Dongsu is able to see through his stolen eye, which the killer is still using. Dongsu must use this connection and his newfound ability to track down his killer and recover his eye before more innocent people are hurt, but at what cost?
2M 114,580 StarScore 9.30 RATE
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
Seeing life through someone else’s eyes seems appealing, but less so when it’s your own eye that was gouged out by a murderous serial killer. Fortunately for Dongsu Ha, he’s a Connect – an immortal being with supernatural healing ability. Thanks to this strange power, Dongsu is able to see through his stolen eye, which the killer is still using. Dongsu must use this connection and his newfound ability to track down his killer and recover his eye before more innocent people are hurt, but at what cost?
Hello! I'm shin dae-sung, a webcomics creator whose bucket list is to visit all 30 MLB stadiums and watch WWE "WrestleMania" live.