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Disconnected from Reality
“Please help! I’ve been kidnapped by this man. Please call the police!” Just like any other night, Hyeseong spends his time playing games with an online friend, Nana. But when Nana goes AFK and accidentally leaves his mic on, Hyeseong hears the voice of a panicked girl crying for help, saying she’s been kidnapped. Once Nana gets back, he sounds suspicious of Hyeseong, even asking questions that sound like he’s trying to gauge Hyeseong’s reaction. Despite Hyeseong trying to act as natural as possible, Nana insists on meeting IRL…
3.3M 135,420 StarScore 8.96 RATE
Ep. 7 - Yeah, I Know Her
Ep. 6 - I'm a Fast Runner
Ep. 5 - Hey, Veggie
Ep. 4 - I'm Hungry!
Ep. 3 - Aghhhhh!
Ep. 2 - I Feel Like a Detective!
Ep. 1 - I Wish Our School Would Just Blow Up
“Please help! I’ve been kidnapped by this man. Please call the police!” Just like any other night, Hyeseong spends his time playing games with an online friend, Nana. But when Nana goes AFK and accidentally leaves his mic on, Hyeseong hears the voice of a panicked girl crying for help, saying she’s been kidnapped. Once Nana gets back, he sounds suspicious of Hyeseong, even asking questions that sound like he’s trying to gauge Hyeseong’s reaction. Despite Hyeseong trying to act as natural as possible, Nana insists on meeting IRL…
Hello! HHAANN here. It's an honor to greet you from the other side of the world. Hope you enjoy it!
Hello, We are HHAANN and LIMYE, publishing our second series at WEBTOON. We're always trying our best to create entertaining stories!