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Fast Forward
The final goal is to be the master of time. But in order to become the master, you must kill and steal. The universe has given powers to a select number of people. The only problem is, you can get your powers taken away... along with your life. The keepers of time will need to protect their powers or pay the ultimate price.
7.6M 253,703 StarScore 9.56 RATE
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
The final goal is to be the master of time. But in order to become the master, you must kill and steal. The universe has given powers to a select number of people. The only problem is, you can get your powers taken away... along with your life. The keepers of time will need to protect their powers or pay the ultimate price.
I like mystery, thrillers, and cosmic horror. The story I’m writing deals with the theme of unease.
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