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“Wake up.” These are the words Sora Han hears right before her heart stops and then begins to beat again. The first and only person in the world to successfully have a plant heart transplant, Sora has felt an inexplicable pull to go to outer space ever since her operation. At 25 years old, she finally gets the chance. But why does everything on the planet she travels to seem familiar? Sora learns more about herself on this journey than she could have ever imagined.
2.2M 92,031 StarScore 9.49 RATE
“Wake up.” These are the words Sora Han hears right before her heart stops and then begins to beat again. The first and only person in the world to successfully have a plant heart transplant, Sora has felt an inexplicable pull to go to outer space ever since her operation. At 25 years old, she finally gets the chance. But why does everything on the planet she travels to seem familiar? Sora learns more about herself on this journey than she could have ever imagined.
I like cats. I’m also the type of person who is always in search of something.
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