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Bailin and Li Yun
Dr. Li Yun is doing research in the arctic when he meets a strange, injured creature named Bailin. Discovering a mythical species might be the dream of every scientist, but will Bailin be a bit too much to handle? The arctic has never felt so warm.
24.8M 362,419 StarScore 9.59 RATE
Ep. 76 - Abandonment Fears
Ep. 75 - Naming Conventions
Ep. 74 - But What About Me
Ep. 73- A Stray
Ep. 72- Class Difference
Ep. 71- Spectating
Ep. 70 - A Tearful Reunion
Ep. 69 - Whomst?
Ep. 68 - Directionally Challenged
Ep. 67 - Regrets
Ep. 66 - Compromises
Ep. 65 - The Rumbly Box
Ep. 64 - Bailin's Jealousy
Ep. 63 - Bailin's Wiles
Ep. 62 - Discoveries
Ep. 61 - More Questions Than Answers
Ep. 60 - Creak Creak Creak
Ep. 59 - Spilled Milk
Ep. 58 - Delusions
Ep. 57 - Following Instructions
Ep. 56 - Logistical Problems
Ep. 55 - Shenanigans
Ep. 54 - Fish Out Of Water
Ep. 53 -Scritch Scratch
Ep. 52 - A Flashback
Ep. 51 - Li Yun Feels Bad
Ep. 50 - A Bittersweet Dream
Ep. 49 - A Hard-Earned Shower
Ep. 48 - Who Are They
Ep. 47 - I Don't Know Him That Well
Ep. 46 - Bailin Has An Idea
Ep. 45 - A Phobia
Ep. 44 - Linked
Ep. 43 - Can You Hear Me
Ep. 42 - Pretty
Ep. 41 - Enrichment
Ep. 40 - Modesty
Ep. 39 - Notice Me Professor
Ep. 38 - Clean Up
Ep. 37 - Crack!
Ep. 36 - The Jacket
Ep. 35 - Spit That Out
Ep. 34 - Human Behaviours
Ep. 33 - Soy Sauced
Ep. 32 - Feeding You
Ep. 31 - A Cold Bath, A Warm Touch
Ep. 30 - Transport Logistics
Ep.29 - Car Ride
Ep. 28 - Too Warm
Ep. 27 - Confusion
Ep. 26 - DON'T TOUCH
Ep. 25 - A Bit Apprehensive
Ep. 24 - No Touch! Only...
Ep. 23 - Breaking News
Ep. 22 - Pursuit of a Strange Mark
Ep. 21 - Ubiquitous Sighs
Ep. 20 - Family
Ep. 19 - Goodbye...
Ep. 18 - Don't Go
Ep. 17 - Upcoming Notification
Ep. 16 - Make A You
Ep. 15 - An Exchange
Ep. 14 - A Hidden Talent
Ep. 13 - A Fishy Apology (part 2)
Ep. 12 - A Fishy Apology (part 1)
Ep. 11 - A Scientist's Duty
Ep. 10 - Welcome to my humble abode
Ep. 9 - Come here...?
Ep. 8 - Can I call you...?
Ep. 7 - A cultural exchange
Ep. 6 - A gift
Ep. 5 - Come back!
Ep. 4 - Hungry
Ep. 3 - A bandaid
Ep. 2 - This may sting a little
Ep. 1 - First Meeting
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
Dr. Li Yun is doing research in the arctic when he meets a strange, injured creature named Bailin. Discovering a mythical species might be the dream of every scientist, but will Bailin be a bit too much to handle? The arctic has never felt so warm.
I'm January Sun! I live and breathe comics. I used to study molecular biochemistry but realized art was more fun and, most importantly, paid better. spiritually at least
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