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Say the Right Thing
On your arm are the first words your soulmate will ever say to you. Sometimes they're nice. Sometimes they're vague. Sometimes they're "Watch it, Jackass." And sometimes your soulmate is a wanted felon and also magic, which Seth discovers when he meets his soulmate, Errol, an alleged dark mage on the run. Oh well.
727,430 42,781 StarScore 9.69 RATE
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
On your arm are the first words your soulmate will ever say to you. Sometimes they're nice. Sometimes they're vague. Sometimes they're "Watch it, Jackass." And sometimes your soulmate is a wanted felon and also magic, which Seth discovers when he meets his soulmate, Errol, an alleged dark mage on the run. Oh well.