Fantasi Aksi
In a world filled with mutated monsters, a 12-year-old boy began his journey due to a very (un) lucky encounter with a mysterious woman, mischievous yet powerful. She told the story of the bittersweet world it once was. But now, everything the world had was turned into a not-so-sweet place to live in. Soon, all the world's secrets unfolded in front of the eyes of its inhabitants.
2.226 232 StarScore 8,91 RATE
likeit22 14 Sep 2024#7 -
EP 6: A Bitter Remedy
likeit21 31 Agt 2024#6 -
EP 5: The Withered King
likeit28 17 Agt 2024#5 -
EP 4: The Family You Choose
likeit33 3 Agt 2024#4 -
EP 3: A Negotiation
likeit39 20 Jul 2024#3 -
EP 2: Untold History
likeit43 6 Jul 2024#2 -
EP 1: (Un)lucky Encounter
likeit55 22 Jun 2024#1