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The Weight of Our Sky
A music loving teen with OCD does everything she can to find her way back to her mother during the historic race riots in 1969 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Based on the YA novel by Hanna Alkaf.)
8.5M 251,163 StarScore 9.79 RATE
Ep. 11
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Ep. 1
A music loving teen with OCD does everything she can to find her way back to her mother during the historic race riots in 1969 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Based on the YA novel by Hanna Alkaf.)
Hanna Alkaf graduated with a degree in journalism from Northwestern University. Hanna lives in Kuala Lumpur with her family. Her first young adult novel, THE WEIGHT OF OUR SKY, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2019.
Nisrina A.N. is a Malaysian comic artist who grew up in Ampang, Selangor. She is pursuing a degree in science while also actively collaborating on work with local comic writers. She loves cats.