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Night Owls & Summer Skies
Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love.
33.2M 618,770 StarScore 9.78 RATE
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
This series is rated Teen. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love.
TIKKLIL (will become your friend if you call them Sam) is three barrels of coffee in a trenchcoat pretending to be an artist. She pets her puppy 24x7 and draws cute stuff to cope with existential dread.
Rebecca Sullivan is a graduate of NUIG and the author of Night Owls and Summer Skies. She releases serialized sapphic content on Wattpad and is currently sharing a YA rival mini soccer romance called Settling the Score. Owls, cats and fluffy socks make up her life force.