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Surprise You're Gay!
Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them. Sebastian has failed his Intro to Computer Science class two times already and now only has one more chance to pass. What can he do but ask Bianca, a local college scammer, to take his place for the entire semester? Will she be able to fool a professor who has met Sebastian before? Not to mention, what will happen when a girl named Chandler starts to develop a crush on ‘Sebastian’ A.K.A. Bianca? Bianca’s life is soon to be filled with drama, but she has no time for that. No, Bianca only has one goal—Don’t get caught. (A retelling of Shakespeare’s classic play, Twelfth Night.)
1.5M 92,755 StarScore 8.93 RATE
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Episode 1
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them. Sebastian has failed his Intro to Computer Science class two times already and now only has one more chance to pass. What can he do but ask Bianca, a local college scammer, to take his place for the entire semester? Will she be able to fool a professor who has met Sebastian before? Not to mention, what will happen when a girl named Chandler starts to develop a crush on ‘Sebastian’ A.K.A. Bianca? Bianca’s life is soon to be filled with drama, but she has no time for that. No, Bianca only has one goal—Don’t get caught. (A retelling of Shakespeare’s classic play, Twelfth Night.)
Laundromat and Lawnmower are a writer/artist sibling duo who yell at each other and make stories together. Find our other developing stories on our creator profile