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Opposite of Always
When Jack meets Kate, he's sure that they're meant to be. But just when life seems poised to prove him wrong, he finds himself in a loop that keeps him pursuing her...forever. With no clues to lead his path, other than the moment they meet and her tragic fate, Jack races against the infinitely ticking clock to save Kate and break the time loop for good.
2.4M 107,265 StarScore 9.13 RATE
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
When Jack meets Kate, he's sure that they're meant to be. But just when life seems poised to prove him wrong, he finds himself in a loop that keeps him pursuing her...forever. With no clues to lead his path, other than the moment they meet and her tragic fate, Jack races against the infinitely ticking clock to save Kate and break the time loop for good.
justin a. reynolds has worn many hats, but has always been a writer at his core. Opposite of Always is his debut novel, followed up by "Early Departures" (2020) and Miles Morales: Shock Waves (2021). And also, ball is life.