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Spells From Hell
James Chao, a hard-working, straight-A college student, suddenly finds a bubbly, curious fox spirit summoned into his room. Scarlet’s appearance forces him to confront all the magic that exists in the world--something he’s avoided ever since he was little. Together, they discover secrets about themselves and the world they live in, a world which reveals itself to be less peaceful than it seems, a world where Heaven, Hell, and Earth are at war.
17.8M 411,592 StarScore 9.49 RATE
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 0 (Prologue) BGM
James Chao, a hard-working, straight-A college student, suddenly finds a bubbly, curious fox spirit summoned into his room. Scarlet’s appearance forces him to confront all the magic that exists in the world--something he’s avoided ever since he was little. Together, they discover secrets about themselves and the world they live in, a world which reveals itself to be less peaceful than it seems, a world where Heaven, Hell, and Earth are at war.
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